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Carpenter Ant Removal & Prevention in Irving

Having wooden outbuildings or timber foundations on your property can make you a tempting target for carpenter ants. These little laborers use their strong jaws to ravage wooden supports. If you spot little deposits of sawdust around your property, you might be dealing with carpenter ants.

If carpenter ants have turned your Irving residence into a lumber mill, contact the experts at Sureguard Termite and Pest Services.

Carpenter Ant Control & Removal Services

Carpenter ant colonies specialize in gnawing through almost any wooden structure. This can cause immense damage to your home and can even collapse parts of the building. The worst part is, you can’t target just one nest. Carpenter ants construct multiple nests to cover a large area, making them extremely hard to tackle.

But the experienced technicians at Sureguard Termite and Pest Services specialize in dealing with difficult infestations. Our control and removal methods have been developed across 50 years of pest control experience. Our carpenter ant spot treatments are designed to be effective as well as environmentally-friendly.

We offer one-time carpenter ant control & removal services alongside four options for our residential service tiers for year-round pest protection.

Expert Carpenter Ant Prevention Treatments

Call in the expert teams at Sureguard Termite and Pest Services today if your Irving, TX property is suffering from a carpenter ant infestation.