
Effective Rodent Exclusion in Dallas

Rodents are some of the most persistent and widespread pests around. Mice and rats can multiply very quickly, seeking out warm, sheltered places with ample food supplies. Our homes meet these conditions perfectly, so a rodent infestation is a constant risk. If allowed to nest, rodents can become an extremely difficult issue to resolve.

Exclusion measures can help prevent rodents from reaching your property. To secure your Dallas, TX home against rodent infestations, contact Sureguard Termite and Pest Services today.

Trusted Rodent Exclusion Services

If they gain a foothold on your property, rodents such as mice and rats can cause all kinds of trouble. These marauding mammals often chew through wiring, causing electrical problems. They leave behind a pungent odor and rats can even spread disease. Once they’ve gained access to a kitchen or pantry, rodents can also contaminate your food.

Exclusion measures act as a frontline defense against rodent incursions. Sureguard Termite and Pest Services have been securing homes against rodents for more than 50 years. After an initial inspection to determine the weakest points of your home, our specially-trained technicians will install exclusion devices such as traps. 

All of our methods are environmentally friendly and are designed to cause minimal risk or intrusion. Our residential pest control packages do include some exclusion operations, but you can also enlist the following services as one-time installations:

  • Rodent Control
  • Rodent Removal
  • Rodent Exclusion
  • Cleanup and repair of exclusion areas

Contact Us Today

Don’t let a rabble of rats or mass of mice cause problems in your Dallas, TX home. Call Sureguard Termite and Pest Services today.

While many people enjoy owning mice and rats as friendly, relatively low-maintenance pets, a wild rodent infestation in your home or business could very likely spell trouble for you, your family, and your co workers. What seems like a minor issue can rapidly stem into a rampant problem warranting professional rodent control solutions in the Dallas area.


Have you tried your hand at rodent control? Many people do. Maybe you’ve purchased a value pack of mousetraps at your local hardware store, complete with fake cheese. Perhaps you’ve purchased rat poison and carefully placed it in the corner of your garage, only to ward off these vermin for a few days.

If conventional, one-time rodent control solutions haven’t worked for you, know that you’re not alone. That’s why people in the Dallas area turn to a professional rodent exclusion company like us here at Sureguard Termite & Pest Service.

What Is Rodent Exclusion?

When it comes to pests like rodents, terms like “exterminate” and “removal” may come to mind. Rodent extermination, removal, and exclusion all fall under rodent “control,” meaning that your once out-of-hand situation is now being handled by professionals. But what does “exclusion” refer to, exactly?

Unlike extermination, rodent exclusion in Dallas doesn’t involve killing or even harming the mice and rats infesting your living space. Instead, exclusion focuses on forcing these rodents out of your home or business by blocking all possible points of entry, as well as eliminating any possible food or drink sources that may be attracting the rodents in the first place.

Rodent Exclusion In Dallas Requires A Professional

While this sounds simple in theory, it’s not — most rodents can get through a hole in your home about the size of a quarter. Therefore, it takes a trained eye to spot all possible points of entry and ensure that these areas are properly sealed. From there, actions are taken to discourage and prevent more rodents from entering your physical structure.


Sureguard Termite & Pest Service specializes in serving the greater Dallas area, so if you’re in need of a trustworthy rodent exclusion expert to come in and swiftly remedy the issue, you can count on us.

Don’t let your rodent infestation get out of hand and result in any costly damage. Call us at 972-406-8600, or feel free to get a free estimate today.