
Hosting a dinner party at your Addison, TX home is a lot of fun. But your plans could suddenly be derailed if an unexpected infestation of weevils devours your food stores. Weevils can quickly consume the grains in your pantry, leaving nothing behind except contaminated food.

Don’t let weevils exploit the packed larder in your Addison, TX home. Call Sureguard Termite and Pest Services.

Weevil Extermination Services

Weevils are a species of beetle that specializes in eating grains such as cereals, rice, and pasta. They lay their eggs by piercing food packets with their long sword-like snouts. The eggs sit in the grain until they hatch, providing an instant food source for the hungry larvae.

It’s practically impossible to spot a contaminated packet of pasta or cereal. But if a weevil infestation does suddenly appear, Sureguard Termite and Pest Services can help. Our experienced exterminators have been warring with weevils for more than 50 years. When called into your home, our technicians only use environmentally friendly treatments.

Any member enrolled in our four residential service plans can access our full lineup of weevil services. These packages feature quarterly or bi-monthly checkups from our specially trained technicians.

Contact Sureguard Today

To rid your Addison, TX home of greedy weevils before they decimate your pantry, call Sureguard Termite and Pest Services today..