
Do you have a problem with weevils in Cedar Hill?

Weevils are an aggravating pantry pest found in Cedar Hill. They are invasive beetles that constantly get into our food storage systems, often contaminating grains as well as packaged foods. Weevils are a tricky pest because they infiltrate your home by catching a ride in on the packages you typically pick up at the grocery store, especially flour, rice and cornmeal. Weevil larvae are so tiny that you can’t see them at first. Then, inside your home, they continue to breed prolifically. Once a weevil infestation takes hold, it can be very difficult to get rid of.

We should note that weevils aren’t just household invaders, however. They will target gardens and have been known to devastate farms around Cedar Hill, too. Some species, like the boll weevil, are a serious blight capable of wiping out crops and ruining the entire contents of grain silos. But no matter what kind of weevils you’ve got causing problems, the best way to eradicate them is with the help of a skilled weevil control service like Sureguard.

The Professional Approach To Weevil Control

Sureguard Termite & Pest Services is the most trusted weevil control expert in Cedar Hill. With decades of experience kicking these pests out of cupboards, no one can handle a weevil infestation better than our team of dedicated professionals. We have the right tools and effective, eco-friendly products to end your weevil problem once and for all. You can count on us for follow-up treatments, cleaning, sanitation and maintenance programs, too. Our comprehensive services always include peace of mind!

Call Cedar Hill’s Leading Weevil Experts

If you’ve got weevils roaming your cupboards or your garden, we’ve got the solution to stop them. Call Sureguard Termite & Pest Services today for the leading weevil control services in the Cedar Hill area!

The granary weevil (also known as the pantry weevil) can be found in stored food products. This insect does develop wings, which gives them the ability to travel great distances from the field to storage facilities. Inside the food storage warehouses is where they begin to infest food products. They chew through the grain kernels that exist in whole grain foods such as

  • Rice
  • Cereals
  • Seeds
  • Flour
  • Cake mix
  • Cornmeal
  • Spaghetti
  • Crackers
  • Cookies
  • Oats
  • Barley
  • Wheat

The adults can chew from the outside as well as lay eggs. Once the eggs are layed by the female, they develop through several stages inside the grain kernels and eventually hatch. In warm conditions, the larvae can develop in a short as a month. Adult weevils often live for about 7 to 8 months while some can live up to 2 years.

For items that are going to be kept, it is recommended to place the food product in the freezer for several weeks to kill the adult weevils and the larvae. In most cases, it is safest to discard the contaminated items. Treatment would involve disposing the infested material, clearing out the pantry and treating the areas where the insects are located.