Professional Fly Control Treatment in Crowley

Are you seeking assistance with fly control in Crowley? 

For Fly Control Crowley Tx call to see why you are having flies. Flies can get active very quickly, they lay eggs in garbage, trash cans, where soda has spilled, locations where meat has been laying. Flies can be in drains or other areas that are moist. Usually continued proper sanitations cleaning will keep flies at a minimum. Sureguard utilizes fly bait, fly lights, fly monitoring, reporting by fly light is available, drain cleaning and sanitation inspections.

Flies are one of the most prolific insects in existence. In fact, for every single person on the planet, there are about 17 million flies. If it seems like they’re all camped out in Crowley lately, there may be a reason for that; fly populations in Texas have been steadily on the rise for years now.

Flies are universally despised. They bother us indoors and out. Some like to bite us, such as the no-see-um. Others, like house flies and blow flies, are picnic crashers, home invaders and contaminators, spreading filth and diseases wherever they land. Flies transmit a staggering number of pathogens, including some of the worst known to mankind. Typhoid, dysentery and tuberculosis are just a few of more than 60 different illnesses that are linked to them. If you are having an issue with flies in or around your Crowley home, you are wise to seek help.

Fly Swatting the Professional Way

Fly swatters will always be a useful tool for homeowners, but Sureguard Termite & Pest Services is far better equipped to combat an infestation. We have an arsenal of professional tools to eliminate a fly problem and swiftly restore the sanctity of your home. Our methods include baiting, aerosol and fogging pesticides, fly lights and more. We use the most eco-friendly, science-driven products on the market today, chosen not only for their effectiveness but also with your safety in mind.

Once the fly infestation has been terminated, we can help with cleanup and sanitation as well. Plus, we offer the best maintenance, service and exclusion plans in Crowley to help ensure you stay pest-free well into the future.

The Best Fly Control in Crowley is Just a Click Away

You don’t have to put up with bothersome flies in your own home. Contact Sureguard Termite & Pest Services today for the best fly control services in the Crowley area!