Expert Fly Control in Fort Worth

Flies are common, irritating insects that have annoyed us all at some point. But some fly problems can be worse than others. If several flies start to lay their eggs somewhere with a plentiful food supply, such as a kitchen or pantry, the situation can quickly get out of hand. Flies can also spread diseases, infecting food left out in the open.

If your Fort Worth residence is being choked by clouds of flies, call Sureguard Termite and Pest Services.

Fly Control and Removal Services

The exact nature of a fly infestation can depend on which type of fly has invaded your home. Bluebottles, house flies, and horseflies are some of the most common perpetrators, laying their eggs in unguarded food and sprouting an abhorrent group of maggots. Horseflies can bite, leaving behind a nasty sting, while house flies can carry serious diseases.

No matter which species of fly is giving you grief, the experts at Sureguard Termite and Pest Services can help. Our environmentally friendly fly control methods have been honed by 50 years of experience and are engineered to keep your home safe while eradicating frustrating flies.

Our residential service plans offer year-round protection against flies and are available in four different tiers. We can also perform one-time treatments.

Call Sureguard Today

If a swarm of flies has infested your Fort Worth home, keep your cool and call Sureguard Termite and Pest Services today.