Weevil Control Professionals in Irving

Professional Weevil Control in Irving

You may have stocked up your larder for winter, but some hungry critters might take advantage. Weevils are types of beetles that specialize in raiding grain stores. Weevils will also lay their eggs in stored food, contaminating it while giving their larvae an instant meal.

To protect your Irving home against these pesky pantry pirates, call Sureguard Termite and Pest Services.

Weevil Removal Services

Weevils can infest food packets in stores before emerging once brought into your home. If unknowingly locked in a larder, these small insects will consume everything they can find. Weevils can’t harm humans, but they can be a real nuisance, especially for gardeners who are growing their own crops.

At Sureguard Termite and Pest Services, we’ve dealt with several pests across 50 years of tireless work. Our dedicated technicians know exactly how to deal with weevils. After inspecting your property, we unleash specialized environmentally-friendly methods to clear out the infestation. After the weevils have been expelled, our team will clean up and sanitize your home.

Weevil countermeasures are included as part of our four residential pest control tiers to protect your pantry throughout the year. We can also deploy our weevil treatments as one-off services.

Call Sureguard’s Weevil Removal Experts 

If your home in Irving, TX is being ravaged by weevils, contact Sureguard Termite and Pest Services today. We’ll make those hungry beetles bite off more than they can chew.