Expert Carpenter Ant Control in Arlington

With its pleasant parks and beautiful homes, Arlington is an ideal place to settle down or establish a business. But sometimes you can be sharing your plot with some unwanted neighbors – carpenter ants. These large insects have powerful jaws that can chew through the wooden supports of buildings while building their nests.

If you’ve spotted some carpenter ants or little piles of sawdust around your commercial or residential property, then call the team at Sureguard Termite and Pest Services.

Carpenter Ant Control Services

Carpenter ants can cause damage to wooden outbuildings as well as door frames and wooden foundations on your main property. Colonies are often spread over multiple nests, so eradicating them completely can be a tall task. But our experts have been dealing with carpenter ants for over 50 years and can remedy the situation safely and efficiently.

 With our free inspections and estimates, we can quickly diagnose the scale of the problem. Our experienced technicians employ a range of environmentally-friendly treatments and tactics to control and remove all carpenter ant activity on your property. 

Our services are available through our selection of four pest control service plan tiers or as individual treatments. When dealing with carpenter ant infestations, we can perform the following services:

  • Carpenter Ant Control
  • Carpenter Ant Removal
  • Carpenter Ant Exclusion
  • Cleanup and disinfection services

Contact Us Today

If your home or commercial property in the Arlington, TX area is having issues with carpenter ants, contact Sureguard Termite and Pest Services today.