Lawn Care Services In Dallas-Fort Worth Metro

Lawn Care in Dallas-Fort Worth Metro, TX

Are you looking for professional lawn care services in the Dallas-Fort Worth metro area?

For many homeowners, a well-groomed lawn is a matter of personal pride. Green, healthy grass, devoid of weeds or pests, makes a great impression on anyone who visits your home and anyone who passes by. To keep your lawn in the best possible condition all year long, consider hiring a professional lawn care company in the Dallas-Fort Worth metro.


Dedicated Lawn Care & Fertilization

At Sureguard Lawn & Pest,our experienced lawn professionals can help your Dallas-Fort Worth area home’s lawn look full, green and healthy. With our team at your service, you’ll never have to worry about a brown or weed-choked lawn ever again. 

We offer the following lawn care services in the Dallas-Fort Worth metro:

  • Lawn fertilization to help your grass thrive year-round.
  • Lawn aeration to prevent soil compaction and help your grass grow green and strong.
  • Overseeding to improve the density of your grass for a lawn with maximum curb appeal.
  • Grub control to protect your lawn from the scourge of these grass-destroying pests.
  • Soil testing to make sure your lawn has all the nutrients it needs and is free of harmful contaminants.


#1 Lawn Care Company in DFW-Area

With some help from our pros, you’ll be able to take pride in having the most beautiful lawn in the neighborhood. Get in touch with Sureguard Lawn & Pest today if you’re in need of professional lawn care services in the greater Dallas-Fort Worth area! 

We offer lawn services to the following Texas areas: Addison, Fort WorthGrand Prairie, Highland Park, Irving, Mansfield, Plano, Midlothian, University Park, Waxahachie. 


Your lawn should get all of the nutrients it needs from the soil but, sometimes, grass needs a little help to grow to its healthiest. Fertilizing your lawn properly will reward you with a dense, green lawn that brings splendid curb appeal to your home. However, it is necessary to apply fertilizer at the right time of year. Otherwise, it could have little effect on the growth of your grass or even have a negative impact, causing fertilizer burn.

In Dallas, it is often best practice to fertilize your lawn twice during the year: once in spring, when grass is growing most rapidly, and then again in fall, prior to the first frost. Splitting your lawn fertilization into two separate applications will keep you from overwhelming your grass and make sure your lawn is fed with all the nutrients it needs year-round.

It is worth noting that the species of grass found in your lawn may impact what time of year you should fertilize. Fescue and other cool-season grasses should be fertilized once in late spring and again in early fall to stimulate the best growth. Warm-season grasses also need to be fertilized in late spring but may not need a second application in fall. Perform a soil test before fertilizing to see if there are any major nutrient deficiencies in your lawn.

Would you prefer to leave the task of fertilizing your lawn in the hands of an experienced lawn care company? Contact Sureguard Lawn & Pest today if you’re interested in professional lawn fertilization services in the Dallas area!

Your lawn can only thrive and reach its maximum growth potential under the right soil conditions. The best way to assess whether or not your soil is optimal for growing grass is to perform a soil test. Such a test will give you an in-depth reading of what your soil is like, allowing you to determine if any adjustments need to be made for your lawn to flourish.

When conducting a soil test for your lawn in Dallas, look for these key things:

  • The pH level of your soil, which indicates whether your soil is acidic, neutral, or alkaline. Most grasses prefer a pH level between 6.0 and 7.0. Adjustments may be necessary if your pH falls outside of this ideal range.
  • The levels of various key nutrients in your soil which your lawn needs to thrive. Soil tests will provide information on the levels of essential macronutrients for grass: nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). Typically, soil tests will also measure levels of micronutrients like calcium, magnesium, and sulfur. If these levels are low, you may need to fertilize your lawn to give your grass the sustenance it needs.
  • The organic matter content of your soil, which improves soil structure, moisture retention, nutrient availability, and overall health. Soil tests will typically measure organic matter content as a percentage.
  • The cation exchange capacity (CEC) of your soil. CEC is a measure of your soil’s ability to retain and exchange nutrients. Soils with higher CEC generally have a better ability to retain nutrients and keep lawns well fed.

If you’re looking for an expert to perform soil testing for your lawn in the Dallas area and take any needed corrective actions, get in touch with Sureguard Lawn & Pest today!

The nutrients found in the soil beneath your lawn are what give it the strength to grow quickly and densely. Grass needs a mix of nutrients in order to thrive, and there are three key nutrients – known as “macronutrients” – that are particularly essential for your lawn in Dallas: nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). Performing a soil test will allow you to determine whether or not your lawn has access to sufficient amounts of these macronutrients.

Each of the essential soil nutrients plays a separate role in fostering healthy grass growth. Nitrogen allows for lush, green growth that maximizes your lawn’s curb appeal. Phosphorus helps grass roots to develop and grow, providing better water and nutrient absorption. Potassium makes your lawn more resilient to disease, drought, and stress. The efforts of these macronutrients are bolstered by secondary soil nutrients, including sulfur, calcium, and magnesium.

If a soil test demonstrates deficiencies of any key nutrients, your best course of action is to apply a fertilizer to your lawn that is rich in the nutrients your soil is currently lacking. Proper fertilizer applications can revitalize your lawn and allow your grass to reach its full growth potential. Be careful when applying fertilizer, as an excess of ordinarily beneficial nutrients can actually be harmful to your lawn.

Connect with Sureguard Lawn & Pest today if you want our team to provide lawn fertilization services in the Dallas area or answer any questions about lawn health!

Fertilizer can be a huge benefit to your lawn, improving the quantity of soil nutrients so that grass can flourish. However, just as overeating can be harmful to a person’s well-being, over-fertilizing your lawn can have a detrimental effect on its health and appearance. When you apply too much fertilizer to your lawn in Dallas, these problems can result:

  • Over-fertilization can cause rapid, lush growth in your grass. When your lawn is overgrown, it is more susceptible to stressors such as drought, disease, and lawn pests. Weak, overly dense grass is also more prone to harmful thatch buildup.
  • Excessive fertilizer application can create imbalances in soil nutrient levels, leading to deficiencies of key nutrients like potassium, nitrogen, and phosphorus. This can impair the growth and overall health of your lawn.
  • Excess fertilizer can leach into groundwater or pollute nearby bodies of water. Nitrogen and phosphorus, staple nutrients in many fertilizers, can cause algal blooms in lakes and ponds. This can deplete oxygen levels and harm aquatic ecosystems.
  • Unnecessary fertilizer applications are a waste of money. Since over-fertilizing can result in thatch buildup, disease, or pest problems, it may also necessitate future expenses to restore your lawn’s health.

To prevent your lawn from suffering these harmful effects, be careful how much fertilizer you apply and when. Generally, one to two thorough fertilizer applications per year – one in spring and one in fall if needed – will provide your lawn in Dallas with sufficient soil nutrients. It is also good practice to conduct soil tests to determine whether or not your grass needs the extra nutrients offered by fertilizer.

Contact Sureguard Lawn & Pest today if you’re looking for reliable lawn fertilization services in the Dallas area!

Lawn aeration is a process in which tools are used to create evenly distributed holes throughout the soil beneath your lawn. Aeration brings several benefits to your lawn in Dallas, including:

  • Improved Airflow – Aeration helps alleviate soil compaction, which can occur in your lawn due to frequent foot traffic or heavy machinery, and is especially prevalent in the clay-rich soils common in Dallas. Compacted soil restricts grass root growth and limits the movement of air within the soil. Aeration creates channels in the soil, improving airflow so that your grass can get all the oxygen it needs.
  • Enhanced Nutrient Uptake – By loosening compacted soil, aeration also improves the penetration of fertilizers, allowing grass roots to access essential nutrients more effectively. Aeration can result in improved nutrient uptake by your lawn so that it can grow at a healthy rate.
  • Reduced Thatch Buildup – Thatch is a layer of dead grass, roots, and other organic matter that accumulates on the surface of your lawn’s soil. Too much thatch can prevent water, air, and nutrients from reaching the soil, and also makes your lawn more vulnerable to pests and diseases. Lawn aeration breaks up thatch and allows for its decomposition.
  • Better Water Infiltration – Compacted soil can prevent water from penetrating the soil surface, leading to wasteful runoff. Aeration makes it much easier for water to infiltrate your soil and nourish your grass roots, keeping them hydrated at all times – something that is especially vital during summer heat waves in Dallas.
  • Stress Resistance – Aerating your lawn improves its resilience to environmental stressors such as drought, heat, and disease. Healthy, well-aerated soil supports stronger root systems, which enables grass to withstand stress more effectively.

Reach out to Sureguard Lawn & Pest today if you’d like to schedule lawn aeration services in the Dallas area!

Grubs may look like worms but they’re actually the larvae of beetles. Unlike worms, which can be beneficial for soil conditions, grubs are destructive lawn pests that feed on the roots of grass, which can cause patches of your lawn to die off. If you have a grub infestation in your lawn in Dallas, there are a few strategies you can implement to get rid of them.

The most direct approach to grub control is to exterminate the pests with insecticide applications. Just make sure you choose an insecticide which is effective against grubs and which will not harm your lawn. Remember that overuse or improper usage of an insecticide could do more damage to your grass than the grubs do. In Dallas, it’s best to apply insecticides to your lawn in late spring or early summer, when grubs are the most voracious.

If you would prefer to avoid the use of chemicals on your lawn, a biological alternative is to release nematodes into your lawn. Nematodes are tiny worms that will infect grubs and kill them from within, but will not harm your grass or beneficial insect species. Make sure to release nematodes in your lawn on a cloudy day, since they can perish in direct sunlight.

Once you’ve removed an active grub infestation, you can prevent a recurrence by sticking to good lawn maintenance practices. Regular mowing, aerating, and dethatching will make your lawn less suitable to beetles that spawn grubs. Avoid overwatering, too, since grubs thrive in moist soil.

Would you like some help with removing grubs from your lawn? Call Sureguard Lawn & Pest today for the best grub control services in the Dallas area!