Pest Control Arlington Tx

Arlington Pest Control & Exterminating in Arlington Texas, 76001

Ant Control – Arlington Tx

Ants are all over. Many ants look alike. There are many species of ants. Treatment methods for different species of ants can vary greatly. Some of the ants that cause problems are fire ants, carpenter ants, acrobat ants, pharaoh ants, odorous house ants and pavement ants. Ants are attracted to odors, they can nest in trees, kitchens, soda cans left in walls and many places that you might be surprised.

Bed Bug Control – Arlington Tx

Bed Bugs have become a big problem in just a few years. You can bring bed bugs home in your luggage, purse or any other type of personal items. They can attach and get a ride to your home. Bed bugs can infest homes, apartments, movie theaters, offices, hotels, movie theaters and many other places.

Roach Control – Arlington Tx

Roach can be found in homes, restaurants, apartments and many types of structures. Roaches can get in kitchens, live in ground cover, under houses. They look for dark, damp, warm places to nest. They will lay eggs and nymph roaches will hatch. When there is a bad roach problem you can smell them. They can transmit diseases and can be an allergy problem for some.

Fire Ant Control – Arlington Tx

Fire ants have come to this area in a couple of ways. Some came up from South America and others came on ships in packages. Fire ants are responsible for many doctor visits each year. Fire ants have hurt many animals including quail, deer and other small wildlife. Since fire ants live in the ground they are not seen until a rain comes and mounds appear in the grass.

Flea & Tick Treatment – Arlington Tx

Fleas & Ticks can bring disease. Fleas were the cause of the bubonic plague being spread. Today they can carry Lyme Disease, typhoid fever and tapeworms that can make humans or animals very sick. Property owners do not need to have a pet to get Fleas or ticks. Fleas or ticks can infest homes or yards.

Mosquito Control – Arlington Tx

Mosquitos can carry west nile virus. People can become very ill if bitten and infected. Hospitalization can occur. Mosquitoes find areas of standing or stagnate water sources. They can get in pools, under bushes, under leaves or in bushes. Mosquitoes are most active in North Texas in the warmer months typically from March to October.

Mice & Rat Control – Arlington Tx

Did you know a rat can get in a hole the size of a quarter and a mouse can get in a hole the size of a dime. Rodents gather all types of material such as paper, leaves, cotton and many other things to make a nest. It is typically in a darker or out of the way area. Rodents can spread disease. They can ruin many types of things. Rodents may urinate on things. When running along things they may leave a grease mark which is sometimes referred to as a swing mark.

Spider Control – Arlington Tx

Spiders have 8 legs and two body segments. They may have 3 or 4 pair of eyes. Spiders may make webs. Different species of spiders may be poisonous such as the Black Widow or Brown Recluse spider. People are scared of spiders. They may scream or just be afraid. There are thousands of species around the world.

Bee & Wasp Control – Arlington Tx

Hornets, bees, and wasps are social insects. Many are not aggressive while some may show aggression if bothered. They may attack in the hundreds if disturbed. Africanized Bees have shown to be very aggressive. Wasps, Bees, and hornets create colonies that can be from a few hundred to several thousand members. They create a social culture in the colonies.

Termite Control – Arlington Tx

The most common termites in North Texas are Subterranean Termites. They are ground nesting, living in colonies. Each colony can have from a few hundred to several hundred thousand termites. Termites cause over 5 Billion dollars in damage each year in the United States. Termites can come up a crack 1/32 of an inch in a slab. They may also build a mud tube up the foundation wall of a property to get into a property. Each colony contains a queen, reproductives, workers and soldier termites.

Commercial Pest Control – Arlington Tx

Commercial pest control services are different than residential pest control. There may be hundreds of people, some may be employees and some may be customers. The main approach in commercial pest control is called IPM or Integrated Pest Management. It starts with an inspection to identify problems, then an action plan is created followed by repairs, exclusion and treatment as needed.

Our Approach to Pest Control in Arlington

Sureguard has a special approach to pest control service. With the experience of our leadership team we are getting ready to service your property long before you even request service. We start our training with a detailed technician and staff training. We also have ongoing training for all staff members. We require all staff members to be licensed by the state. It is important for anyone helping you be trained and knowledgeable in pest control.

When the scheduling processes is done you may be asked several questions. The licensed staff member is wanting to give you the best and most complete information. We believe in high quality service. It starts with the initial call and continues with the service and ongoing.

Once the licensed technician arrives an inspection and pest identification will be done. At this point any recommendations will be made. Then the service will be completed. At the end of the service the technician will give any additional instructions and recommendations. We will again Thank You as we do appreciate your business.

Our ARLINGTON pest control service can treat many insects:
Crickets – Chiggers –Earwigs – Brown Recluse Spider – German Roach – Most Beetles
Centipedes – MillipedesScorpions – Black Widow Spiders- Mice- Rats
Black Widow Spiders – Silverfish – Carpenter Ants – Odorous House Ants
Pharaoh Ants – Fleas – Ticks – Fire Ants – Indian Meal Moths – Termites – Termite Pre-Treatment
Birds – Mosquito – Bed Bugs – Argentine Ants – Cockroaches – WeevilsSnakesFlies

Arlington Tx Subdivisions

Fairfield, Fairfield Addition, Fannin Farm Addition, Fannin Farm Ph 04, Forest Hill Addition Arlington, High Country Estates, Huntwick Addition, La Frontera South, Meadow Park Estates, Meadow Park Estates Addition, Millbrook, Millbrook #1, Oaks The Arlington, Overland West, Seville Hills Subdivision, Shadow Ridge, Shadow ridge, Shady Valley Estates, Shady Valley North, Shady Valley North, Shady Valley West, Shady Valley West Addition, Turf Club Estates, Village Green Estates, Viridian, Viridian Addition, Viridian Manor, Waterway Park North, Willowstone, Winding Creek Addition, Woodbine, Woodfield Add, Woodland West Estates

ARLINGTON, TX Local Information


In 1840s, Europeans settled in the Arlington area. A trading post was established at Marrow Bone Spring after the May 24, 1841 battle between General Edward H. Tarrant and Native Americans of the Village Creek settlement. Soon after, several agricultural businesses were established because of the rich soil.

In 1876, Arlington was founded along the Texas and Pacific Railway and grew as a cotton-ginning and farming center. It was incorporated in 1884. The city was named after General Robert E. Lee’s Arlington House in Arlington County, Virginia.


Arlington is the largest city in the world without a fixed bus-route, light-rail or commuter train system of mass transit. The city does have four transit services targeting individual groups: “Handitran” serves senior citizens and the disabled; the University of Texas at Arlington runs a limited shuttle service for college students; Mission Arlington, an Arlington-run charity, has a bus service that circulates people needing social services or transportation to employment; and Arlington hotels pay for tourist-oriented shuttle-bus system for their guests.

Arlington is 20 miles west of downtown Dallas and 12 miles east of downtown Fort Worth. It is served by two parallel highways, I-20 in southern part of city (Ronald Reagan Memorial Highway) and I-30 in northern part of city (Tom Landry Memorial Highway).Other highways include State Highway 360 running along the eastern border and US Highway 287 running along the southwestern portion of the city.

Call for Arlington Pest Control